The SkillSource Group, Inc. is seeking multiple skilled and experienced Career Coaches based in Fairfax County, Virginia to work both virtually and directly with jobseekers affiliated with the Talent Up Fairfax program. Each selected Career Coach will be assigned ten to fifteen (10-15) jobseekers and will perform individual career coaching services, to include skills assessment, resume review and revisions, as well as job search strategies and direct job placements with Fairfax County-based employers. Career Coaches will be expected to successfully transition the assigned jobseekers into full-time employment with Fairfax County employers as quickly as possible.
More information on the Talent Up Fairfax Program can be found at
The selected Career Coaches will be paid on an hourly basis, based on a signed bi-weekly invoice, that is itemized by date, client job-seeker name and hours worked.
To meet Federal Acquisition Requirements (FAR), a micro-purchase threshold (MPT) must be $10,000 or less.
To submit a bid proposal, please download and complete the bid proposal:
Signed bid proposals should be e-mailed to David Hunn, President and CEO, The SkillSource Group, Inc., at